Fall Home Maintenance Tips

Fall Home Maintenance Tips

Posted by : Admin

You may be sad to see summer coming to an end, or you might be ready to welcome cooler weather and lower humidity. Whatever your opinion, fall is on its way! If you’re a homeowner, you need to get ready for the change of season. That means taking the time to get some important chores done around the house. If you get organized, getting ready for fall won’t take too much time. Here’s a list of the most important fall home maintenance tips you need to be sure are checked off your list.

Get Rid of Clutter

Items that may have accumulated around your yard, in your driveway, on your porch, or in your garage need to go. Either store them in their rightful place or throw them away. If they’re not going to be used past summer, there’s no need for them to take up space in your yard. Doing a good de-clutter first will make your other tasks easier.

Make Needed Repairs

Fix anything that broke or fell into disrepair during the summer. Clean out the gutters and downspouts, spray or pull weeds that have sprung through your pavement or concrete, nail loose shutters, and repair or replace damaged porch railing and deck planks. Look at your roof and siding and make an appointment to get any repair work done immediately.

Tend Your Lawn

Yards still require attention in the autumn. Rake the leaves and dispose of them, and cut your grass short. Trim trees and shrubs back as much as needed, and thin out any flowers or plants that have gotten too overgrown. Pull weeds one last time.

Store Your Summer Tools

As colder weather nears, wipe down and winterize your lawn mower, weed eater, trimmer, and other yard tools and put them away until next spring. Unscrew and drain your water hose and store it out of the elements. This will protect your hose and eliminate the risk of water backing from it up into your exterior walls, freezing, and causing damage.

Prep Your Heating Unit

Making sure your heat comes on when you need it is one of the most important home maintenance tips you can follow. Change the filters inside your home and schedule someone to come and test it out for issues. If you have a chimney, it’s a good time to have it checked now, too.

Clean Your Windows

This home maintenance tip will help your mood as much as it protects your home. After all, as it gets dark earlier in the fall, we still want to be able to enjoy as much sunlight as possible. First, look at your windows and replace broken panes and ripped screens. Then get a good window washing solution and give them a thorough scrubbing from the outside, and repeat on the inside. Finally, caulk around them if you feel a draft to keep your home warm and save on electric bills.

Insulate Your Hot Water Heater

If your hot water heater is outside, it can be a money-siphoning parasite if not properly insulated. As cold weather nears, take steps to make sure you spend as little as possible. Invest in a water heater jacket, or learn how to make your own. A water heater jacket will pay for itself in reduced electric bills.

Seal Air Leaks

Leaky doors and windows can make your home feel cold and drafty once colder weather settles in. Check for leaks at every door and window in your home. Seal out the weather by adding weather stripping under and around your doors and windows.

Make Critters Feel Unwelcome

The last thing you want is a new family of squirrels, mice, or snakes moving into your home through a crack or crevice. Thwart these pesky squatters by looking at your home’s foundation and repairing any cracks in it as well as any openings in your vents. Make sure your basement doors fit tightly, as mice can get through holes the size of a dime.

Replace Lighting

The last of our fall maintenance tips is designed to keep you safe. Replace all your outdoor lighting with quality bulbs so you won’t have to deal with outages in the middle of winter when it’s cold and dark. Check the lights in your carport or garage, and make sure they – as well as any automatic lighting around your home – are all working properly.

Fall is just around the corner, and being ready for it is the best way to be able to enjoy it. Take some time to make sure your home is ready, so you don’t end up dealing with nasty, and costly, surprises. Once you’re done, enjoy the beautiful season!