Let It Go: What to Get Rid of Before Moving

Moving to a new home means a new start, but it won’t be a clean break if you’re weighed down by old possessions you don’t need anymore. Before you start packing for your big move, add “get rid of extra stuff” to the top of your ultimate moving checklist. Sell, donate, or throw away these unnecessary items.

Clothes You Never Wear

Go through every closet and drawer and make three piles: keep, donate, and trash. If it doesn’t fit but is in good shape, donate it to a good cause. Somebody will benefit from it, and you get a tax deduction! Clothes that are out of date, ripped, or faded need to head to the trash, along with old bras, undies, and socks. Trust us, nobody wants those items second-hand.

Forgotten Shoes, Boots, and Sandals

Your footwear needs to join your clothes in the same three piles. If the heels are too high, the color doesn’t grab you, or the shoes pinch, donate them. If they’re no longer fashionable or severely scuffed, take them to the trash.

Expired Makeup

Old foundation, eye shadow, and mascara can end up causing infections. Yuk! Follow this guideline based on when you bought it, and mercilessly toss everything that is old. If you can’t remember when you purchased it, throw it away. This also goes for your makeup brushes and sponges, your nail polish, and your hair care products.

Books You’ve Already Read

Books are heavy, which is why this is one of the best moving hacks on our list. Donate every book you’ve already read – or don’t plan to read – to a great cause. Do the same for your kids’ books. There’s no need to haul boxes of heavy books to your new house, only to stuff them up in the attic.

Remnants of Old Hobbies

Did you cross-stitch? Scrapbook? Play golf? Tinker with an old motorcycle? If you can’t remember the last time you participated in that hobby, don’t carry it with you. Either sell it online as a package, donate it, or throw it all away. There will be plenty of hobbies to start once you’re all moved in.

Holiday Decorations

As a new homeowner, don’t clutter up all your storage space with those ancient Halloween decorations or Christmas decor that no longer match your style. Bag them up and take them to a store that re-sells for charity. This includes outdoor decorations as well.

Old Towels or Sheets

When you’re moving, it’s a great time to pare down your towels and sheets. If they’re ripped, stained, or worn, the good news is there’s a charity that will still be glad to have them. Your local animal shelter! Donate them to be used to clean kennels, or for the animals to lay on. Woof! Meow!

Shower Curtains

Shell out the small amount of cash it takes to buy a new shower curtain, and trash your old one. It’s not worth it to take it down and carry it to your new place, especially if it’s moldy.

Old, Dirty, or Damaged Furniture

One of the best moving tips to follow is to avoid moving furniture you’re not planning to keep. Get rid of it now! Find a nonprofit that will pick it up and re-upholster it to sell for a good cause, and let it go. Either replace it now or wait a bit and find a nicer piece to add to your new home’s decor.

It’s time to move into the scariest part of your house. The kids’ rooms.

Kids’ Toys and Games

Pick out toys, games, stuffed animals, dolls, and anything else your children don’t play with anymore. If you have time, try selling it online because kids’ stuff is one of the best resellable categories out there. Otherwise, donate it to a charity so other children can benefit from your generosity, and you can keep the items from cluttering your new home.

Kids’ Clothes

Kids grow so fast, there’s bound to be tons of clothing in their closets they don’t wear anymore. Pick out the clothes your children have outgrown or don’t like to wear. Sell them either online or in a yard sale, and donate the rest.

Unused Cords and Cables

If you’ve stashed cords that no longer work into drawers, now’s the time to ditch them. Get rid of cords and cables that aren’t the right length, don’t charge fast enough, or that you have duplicates of.


Lighten your paper load before the move. You don’t need every electric bill and bank statement you’ve ever received. Keep only your important documents and spend a few hours shredding the rest before throwing them away.

Expired Food

It’s easy to toss your entire food supply into a box and move it to your new place, but it sets you up to have old food sitting around your cabinets. Go through everything and throw away anything that’s out of date. If you find items that are still good, but your family no longer eats, donate them to a food bank.

Stuff You Have Too Much of

Do you really need two dozen cups? No, you don’t. Donate things you have more than enough of like plates, plastic bowls, travel shampoos, knick-knacks, office supplies, and blankets. Getting rid of this stuff is a big help when you’re trying to get organized before you move and once you get into your new place.

Take these moving tips to heart to prepare yourself for an organized move and a clutter-free new home. You’ll be thrilled with all the new space that getting rid of your old, unused stuff provides – and you’ll be shocked at how much easier it is to unpack and settle into your new place.