Notice of Data Event | Mortgage Investors Group

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Notice of Data Event

Cybersecurity Incident Notification

On December 11, 2024, there was a cybersecurity incident that occurred within the network infrastructure of Mortgage Investors Group (MIG). We discovered this incident on December 12, 2024, and immediately engaged a specialized cybersecurity firm to conduct a comprehensive forensic investigation. This firm helped us assess our system security and provided recommendations to enhance our security protocols and responses.

Incident Details

The investigation revealed that an unauthorized user had gained access to MIG’s computer environment. This unauthorized access resulted in the exposure of sensitive personal information pertaining to a number of individuals.

Actions Taken

Since discovering the incident, we have proactively engaged a vendor to identify the affected individuals and types of information compromised, a process which will take several weeks.

Upon concluding this identification process, we will notify all affected individuals directly and will offer complimentary credit monitoring and related services to assist in securing their information.

Swift and Secure Notification

Protecting your information is our top priority. We will send individuals potentially affected a formal notification letter via U.S. First Class mail. This letter will outline the details of the situation and provide clear guidance on the steps we have taken, and continue to take, to safeguard your information. We will offer complimentary credit monitoring and related services to assist these individuals in securing their information, and we are actively monitoring developments and remain committed to transparency and swift action to ensure the highest level of security.

Potential Impact

It is possible that full names and certain financial information of affected individuals may have been exposed. We have no evidence of fraudulent misuse of the information at this time, and we have not received any reports of related identity theft. We urge our customers to remain vigilant by monitoring their financial statements and credit reports.

What Can You Do?

As with any data event, we recommend that you remain vigilant and consider taking steps to avoid identity theft, obtain additional information, and protect your personal information. Common passwords or passwords you may be using on multiple accounts should be updated to new complex passwords for added security.

We will offer complimentary access to credit monitoring, fraud consultation, and identity theft restoration services to those individuals that MIG determines were affected to help mitigate any potential harm.

We sincerely apologize for this situation and any inconvenience it may cause you.

Recommended Steps to Help You Protect Your Information

We recommend you remain vigilant and consider taking the following steps to avoid identity theft, obtain additional information, and protect your personal information:

Obtain Your Credit Report

Order your free credit report at, call toll-free at 877-322-8228, or complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form on the U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s website at When you receive your credit report, review the entire report carefully. Look for any inaccuracies and/or accounts you don’t recognize and notify the credit bureaus as soon as possible in the event there are any.

Place a Fraud Alert on Your Credit File

A fraud alert helps protect you against an identity thief opening new credit in your name. With this alert, when a merchant checks your credit history when you apply for credit, the merchant will receive a notice that you may be a victim of identity theft and to take steps to verify your identity.

You also have the right to place a “security freeze” on your credit file. A security freeze generally will prevent creditors from accessing your credit file at the three nationwide credit bureaus without your consent. You can place a fraud alert or request a security freeze by contacting the credit bureaus:

Remove your name from mailing lists of pre-approved offers of credit for approximately six months. If you aren’t already doing so, please pay close attention to all bills and credit-card charges you receive for items you did not contract for or purchase. Review all your bank account statements frequently for checks, purchases, or deductions not made by you.

Our Commitment

MIG is committed to the security and privacy of our customers’ personal information. We have implemented and are continuing to secure against emerging cybersecurity threats.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact our dedicated MIG in-house support team at 865-876-0529.

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