How to Say Goodbye to Your Old Home

Yes, you’re excited about your new place. But leaving your old home, where you created many good memories, can be sad. After all, this is the place you may have started your family, decorated and re-decorated, laughed and cried with friends, and lived your life for years.

Don’t leave your home without a proper send-off. Here are some creative ways to say goodbye to your old home and prepare for life in your new digs.

Saying Goodbye To A Home Full Of Memories

A couple of weeks before you move, here are some ways of saying goodbye to your home full of memories.

Have a “House-Cooling” Party

This is a trendy new get-together that mirrors a house-warming party. Invite some friends and neighbors over and grill or set out some finger foods. Have some drinks, listen to music, and reminisce about the good times you’ve shared in your soon-to-be former place. You can even create short videos of your guests as they share memories.

Write the New Owners

Sit down and compose a letter to the new owners of the house. Tell them about special times your family had in the home, and wish them the best of luck as the new residents. Tell them your favorite things about the house, and share your favorite neighbors’ names with them. It doesn’t need to be a long letter because the focus is to help you come to terms with the fact that you’re moving.

Transplant Your Garden Favorites

If you’ve pampered your flowers and plants for years, it may be difficult to leave them when you say goodbye to your old home. The good news is that you don’t have to! Dig up a small section of flowers or cut a branch of one of your favorite shrubs. Take it to your new home and re-plant so you’ll keep a little of your old place with you.

Take a Picture of the House

Have a friend or neighbor snap some shots of you and your family in front of the house. Make sure they get the majority of the home and the house number. Pick the best one and get it framed to hang in your new home.

The day of your move, set aside some time to bid farewell and…

Share Memorable Stories

Once everything is moved out of your old house, take a few minutes and tell some happy, memorable stories that happened while you were living there. Births, fun parties, holidays, and an unforgettably bad cooking experience are sweet stories to share with each other. While this can be bittersweet, it helps you gain closure with moving.

Walk Through Each Room

Finally, walk through each room of your house one last time. Look in all the closets and cabinets so you don’t leave anything behind. Open the curtains or shades and look out the window at the view a final time. Quietly say goodbye to each space before you lock the door and move on.

Talk About the Future

You will probably be sad, or at least be feeling conflicting emotions, when you say goodbye to your old house. When you’re heading to your new home, talk about the positive aspects of the new place that made you want to live there. Discuss what you’re excited about doing in the new home. Does it have a bigger lawn for entertaining? A nicer kitchen for great cooking? Larger windows for more natural light? Take the focus off your old house and put it on your new one.

A home is your sanctuary and comfort zone, which makes moving difficult. Even if your new place is fabulous, you’re bound to feel some nostalgia about moving. By using some time to get used to the idea, taking a few small parts of the old home with you, and saying a proper goodbye, you can leave your old home hopeful and excited about what your new house will bring to your life.

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