Sunshine State of Mind: Advantages of Moving in the Summer

Moving to a new home is a big moment in life that comes with a mix of feelings of excitement and stress. Deciding when to move can actually impact your experience. Shifting during the summer comes with benefits that can help you through the process and even add some fun. Here’s a look at why summer moves are good and how to make the most of them while sidestepping common hiccups.

1. Perfect Conditions


One of the big pluses of a summer move is the weather. With summer comes clear skies and temperatures. Which can lower the chances of running into delays or issues caused by winter or rainy conditions. This can mean that your stuff gets safely to its new spot, without any hitches.


  • Stay Hydrated: It’s important to keep enough water on hand for everyone who’s part of the move, given the heat during summer.
  • Plan for Heat: Try to schedule most of your moving tasks for early mornings or evenings when temperatures are cooler to avoid the midday sun.

2. More Daylight Hours


Having more daylight time during summer lets you spread out your tasks. You can kick off your day earlier and wrap up later, making the moving process feel less hurried and more doable.


  • Create a Timeline: Take advantage of the extended daylight hours by planning out a timeline for your move. Divide your tasks throughout the day to boost your efficiency.
  • Use Natural Light: Setting up lighting in your new, home is easier with daylight hours allowing you to settle in and organize things more effectively.

3. Family Friendly Flexibility


For most families, summer is a common time to move since the kids are on break. This can mean less disruption to their schooling and a chance for them to adjust to their new surroundings before the academic year kicks off.


  • Involve the Kids: Get the whole family in on the move. Let the kids pack up their rooms and put their own touch on their new space to make settling in a breeze.
  • Explore the Neighborhood: Use the break to check out your neighborhood. Seek out local spots like parks, libraries and recreational areas to help your children feel at home.

4. Real Estate Peak Season


Summer marks the peak time for real estate activity, giving you more choices for buying or renting properties. With a larger selection available, you might find a home that better fits your preferences.


  • Start Early: Kick off your house hunting in the summer to have access to a wider range of properties.
  • Negotiate Wisely: Although the market can be competitive there could be room for negotiating favorable terms especially for homes that have been listed for a while.

5. Connecting with the Community


During summer there are often events happening in the community that offer a chance to meet your neighbors and feel part of your new surroundings. From festivals to farmers markets and local gatherings there are plenty of opportunities to socialize.


  • Get Involved: Get out there and say hello to your neighbors at events. This can help in creating a support system and making your new place feel like home.
  • Join Local Groups: Look for community groups or clubs that match your interests. This can give you a sense of community and make building connections smoother.

Steering Clear of Obstacles

While moving in the summer has its upsides, being aware of potential challenges is key for a smooth move.

High Demand for Movers

  • Book Early: Reserve your mover, early to secure a spot during the busy summer period.
  • Compare Rates: During peak times rates may be higher so its wise to shop around and compare prices for the best deals.

Heat-Sensitive Items

  • Protect Belongings: Be cautious with belongings that are sensitive to heat. Try using storage facilities to protect items, like electronics and perishables from temperature damage.

Personal Well-Being

  • Take Breaks: Moving is physically taxing. Its important to take breaks and stay cool to prevent exhaustion from the heat.

To sum up, relocating in the summer has its share of perks., from weather conditions to longer days and family flexibility. By planning ahead and following these tips, your summer move can be a smooth and successful journey. Embrace the sunny vibes and start fresh in your new abode!